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Inma Mas Narvaez was born in Palma de Mallorca where she started to grow interest in Odontology.

After finishing her academic training by the University of Madrid she began her professional adventure that, to this day, comprises more than ten years in various ontological clinics in Mallorca. There she polished her skills on dental health being a vital hand on dental Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, Dental Prostheses among other fields of Dental Medicine.


Inma currently develops her professional activity as a freelance at the prestigious Dental Clinic VogelSang and continues to widen her knowledge in the field of Biological Ontology. 


Prevention is the main focus of Inma’s Philosophy. She applies her own developed concept on Dental cleaning applying effective and lasting solutions, tailored to each patient where the centre of study is the root of the problem in order to offer the best quality of life through the patient’s dental health which is connected to the person’s general health.

To achieve this, Inma pays the same attention to the treatment itself, the maintenance after this one and instructs the patient on their oral hygiene habits and lifestyle in order to offer the best and lasting treatment for each person and avoid other potential damages.  

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